Ways to boost your income online

The internet is a wonderful place which connects people all across the world and provides opportunities to people that they would have otherwise never had. The internet can also become a global marketplace right at your fingertips, in which you can make money. This could be through selling your own items, promoting other people’s products or even completing online surveys. In this guide, we are going to be discussing the things, little or large, that you can do in order to boost your income. These are things you can just do in your spare time, so not a lot of […]

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New ways to make money from your home

New ways to make money from your home

In recent years, it has become increasingly common for homes to be viewed not just as an appreciating asset, but also a way to make money whilst still remaining in the property. Whilst sometimes all you need is the property to look stunning, or simply being in the right location, in other cases you may need additional guest rooms or outhouses in order to maximise income potential. Nevertheless, there are a number of new innovative ways that you can make money from your home, Payday Bad Credit takes a look at some of the most popular ways to make cash. […]

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How smart technology can help you save money on care homes

How smart technology can help you save money on care homes

We are all living longer than ever before, (reflected in the rise of the age one receives a state pension in the UK, for example) as a result of a number of factors, including medical advances and overall lifestyle changes, such as better diets and more physical exercise. With people living longer, this means that there is much greater attention on life into the retirement years, and especially when it comes to living independently in our homes into our later years. Many of us would prefer to continue living at home rather than go into a care home or at least […]

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Digital alternatives to high street banks

Digital alternatives to high street banks

More and more people across the UK are turning away from the traditional high street banks (for a number of reasons such as a lack of innovation, poor savings rates and customer service, for example) and decided to look at the different types of new payday loans and alternatives that are available on the market: digital banks. Digital banks have been particularly popular with younger people, who are used to frequently relying on apps and websites to buy products as opposed to relying on high street stores. Furthermore, these digital banks tend to offer a whole host of features that […]

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How to save money in the home

Everyone is looking for ways to save money here and there. No matter where you find yourself on your financial journey, you should keep it in mind that anyone has the ability to turn their financial situation around. A great place to slice the amount of money you spend is around the house since this will include your daily, weekly and monthly costs rather than individual big expenses. In this guide on Payday Bad Credit, we have compiled a list of simple things that you can do around the house to save yourself money. Wash Clothes at a Lower Temperature […]

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How to save money running your car

It is known all too well that owning and running a car can be a major expense. It would not be incorrect to say that in some people’s lives, running a car is one of the largest personal expenses they have. Whilst the expense of running a car is appreciated, there are obvious benefits to having a car and some people simply could not go about their daily life without one. Luckily, there are ways that you can save money on running a car and the expenses which are part of that. These methods should help improve your relationship with […]

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An overdraft or a loan?

If you are looking to obtain finance for whatever purpose, it can be hard to know which road to go down. Many people prefer the idea of an overdraft as it seems less of a commitment, but is this the case?  Well, as of recent, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has vowed to crack down on the high-cost charges placed on overdrafts. These fees have been revealed to be seven times higher than the interest rates you will find with a payday loan. In this guide, we will run through the differences between an overdraft and taking out a payday […]

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How do minimum payments work for credit cards?

How do minimum payments work for credit cards?

Explaining a credit card minimum is very simple; it is the minimum that the bank requires you to repay on your credit card every month in order to avoid any extra charges. Not everyone’s minimum payment will be the same, just as not everyone’s credit limit (how much you are entitled to borrow per month) is the same. Your credit card minimum will be worked out based on your own credit card’s interest rate (APR) as well as the amount you have borrowed. Different cards will set a different standard for the minimum requirement to be repaid each month, but […]

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How to Travel on a Budget

How to Travel on a Budget

Do you catch yourself scrolling through your social feed or watching travel vlogs, daydreaming about being far, far away from home in some exotic land? But then you realise that you could never fund a once in a lifetime trip like you see on social media? If that is the case, you are not alone! Furthermore, you may be surprised how much you can actually afford. Travelling can be one of the best experiences of your life, but it does not come without a price. Travelling can be a huge expense and this can put people off actually going through […]

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Myths you have heard about loans

Myths you have heard about loans

As with most types of short-term loans that exist on the market, there are a number of misconceptions about them, and this has definitely been the case when it comes to payday loans. Why is that? Unfortunately, due to the unfair lending practices of certain companies, it has lead to the increase of the proliferation of myths that payday loans are never a good thing, arguably giving it a bad name. However, these reasonably popular beliefs aren’t, in fact, all true, and there are a lot of benefits that come with using an instant cash loan if used correctly. In this guide, […]

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